Unfortunately there is no built in configuration policy to adjust the alignment of Windows 11 taskbar so this ‘How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune’ guide should help. Considering it’s such a minute adjustment to make for user comfort, and you have to go so far as adjusting registry keys, really demonstrates another Microsoftism that comes with Windows.
The long way round is using PowerShell for this adjustment. In the first step, we will create a PowerShell script using the Registry settings to change the Windows 11 taskbar to the left. In the second step, we will upload this file to Intune and configure the parameters. This allows us to achieve a smooth installation on the clients.
There’s a pre-prepared file already in our Github PowerShell repository ready for download, but I’d recommend trying this for yourself and getting to use PowerShell. It’s a really powerful tool and these small scripts can build confidence with writing PowerShell.
View the PowerShell repository here; GitHub
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Step 1.
How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune – Create the PowerShell script
First we need to create a PowerShell script. We are going to edit a Registry key. Just follow these steps:
- Create a PowerShell script (below)
- Save this PowerShell script. I’ve named it TaskbarAllignLeft.ps1
$registryPath = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced"
$Al = "TaskbarAl" # Shift Start Menu Left
$value = "0"
New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $Al -Value $value -PropertyType DWORD -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
This creates a registry key, specifying it as a DWORD. a binary won’t work.
· The $registryPath is the location specifically within the registry.
· The $AL will determine the name of our new DWORD registry key.
· And the $value will ensure it’s set to 0.
· Everything afterwards in our script will determine the creation, file structure and the enforcement.
Step 2.
How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune – Importing the script via Intune via the following steps;

- Go to endpoint.microsoft.com > Devices > Windows > Scripts > Platform Scripts (Top Bar) > Add
- Give your new policy a name – ‘Align Taskbar Left’ and fill your description for documentation, click next
- Upload your script and ensure the following are as below;

– Run this script using the logged on credentials : Yes
– Enforce script signature check : No
– Run script in 64 bit PowerShell Host : Yes
Step 3.
How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune – Assigning Device Groups in Intune

Pick your device groups, all users or all devices. Which ever you prefer. I set my policies to groupings which dynamically change. If you have this as a baseline, assign it to your over arching group such as %company_name%_Users_Windows. If it’s to be a user preference, create a specified group for people.
Enforce your policy by syncing your devices. A shut down and start-up of the device should also prompt the change (A restart doesn’t always prompt the sync to take effect).
We’ll be adding Intune best practise guides shortly to help keep your Groups, Devices and deployments as clean as possible. The further you go into Intune and deployments, the more chance you have of running away with AAD runaway Groups and policies as your business gets bigger.
How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune.
There you have it, How to Align the taskbar to the left with Intune. The long winded way but deploying this via Intune as a baseline policy for end user comfort out of the box, can cut down on useless ticketing and time wasted. It’s a shame it has to go as far a registry adjustment but it’s just one of the smaller things missing from Intune’s amazing ability to deploy templates and policies for end users.
Have another way of deploying the script or have any questions, leave a comment below.